
WM-BL100 LED Illuminated Panel


WM-BL100 LED Illuminated Board is specially designed and manufactured by Wealth Marine for marking of mega bridges and daymark structures across navigational channels, to safely guide mariners into safe navigational waters.

Basically there are 2 types of LED Illuminated Boards, namely Background-plated and Frame Type. WM-BL100 is marine-graded aluminium alloy and high polymeric material, with surface painted with anti-fouling coat.

During daytime, the visual effect of WM-BL100 LED Illuminated Board has high visibility and is extremely distinctive. Embedded with luminous LED strips to form an illuminative surface, WM-BL100 has a very well-defined shape and colour.

The night-time luminous range can project up to 8 nautical miles. The operation of WM-BL100 LED Illuminated Board, in conjunction with that of Wealth Marine's navigational lights (for example GZ220 for bridge marking or WM-RL2000 for leading light), can be made to flash in unison (synchronization), to mark out safe navigational channels perfectly.

Presently, with the use of WM-BL100 LED Illuminated Board, it has become redundant to designate different 'Aids to Navigation' systems for day and night operations.

Owing to its supreme visual effects, power-saving capabilities and reliability, WM-BL100 LED Illuminated Board is indeed an ideal choice for navigational channels and bridge markers.


1. Dimensions shown as "a" in the above figure are more than 20cm.

2. For Port Hand Lanteral Mark, the width of the square can be as long as 0.6 metre.

2. For Port Hand Lanteral Mark, the width of the square can be as long as 0.6 metre.

4. The thin fine line shown indicates the LED position of the source.

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